At Home Resources

Science, Technology, Art, and Engineering activities to do with common holsehold items from
STEAM Activites Reusing Plastic Bottles
Fun science projects, craft projects, and other science activities from
Seasonal Holiday Costume Printable Worksheets
Smithsonian Organization
Visit the Symphony, KC Zoo, Art Galleries, live camera feeds from around the world, and more!
Tracy's Resource List - a document of links and resources with everything from museum tours to virtual roller coaster rides! - Weather information for kids including online games about the weather
Virtual Museum Tours from Travel and Leisure
Nature notebook from KDWPT - This is a series of 2 page lessons on wildlife in Kansas, probably elementary level mostly. Good teacher resource for some independent activities or for parents to use at home
Junior Handyman’s Toolkit: Classroom Projects, Essentials and Checklists
Engineering Games and Projects
35 6th Grade Science Projects for home or science fair
20 Amazing Virtual Field Trips to Take with your Kids that Don't Require Leaving the House Online puzzle game
Simple STEM Activities to do At Home
Schedule Templates for Home Learning
from Kahn Academy
Eductaional and Fun Activities for Kids
Best podcast for kids
The 40 Best Educational Podcasts
Supplemental Education Content via PBS for Kansas Students
Paper Projects from Canon
Podcasts, audio books and lessons
San Diego Zoo online academy (recommends 13+)
Do It Yourself
Engineer4Free - Good quality video lessons to explore the things that Engineers need to know - middle and high school
Census website has activities for students of all ages? Try both the activities and resources tabs:
Hubblesite: shows tonight's sky is just one of MANY great resources available through NASA
Flinn Scientific: variety of live labs you can view for at home science - and they have recorded labs too if what is up today doesn't fit your curriculum
DK's stay at home hub has activities and packets for adults, too! Don't forget to find some time to learn something new just for you!
Common Sense Media offers a digital citizenship curriculum for different grade levels - and other resources around their website (including a newsletter offered in a different post)
Enchanted Learning - free and paid subscription site for printables for younger students to color, practice writing skills and various games in one place. For very young gifted that are ready for K-2nd skills, this is a great resource.
Online community service/volunteer opportunities:
Check out this website to take part and help in research across the globe, looking at trail cam pictures to see what animals are in the photos and transcribing historical documents are just some of the projects
FreeRice to get your game fix and help people at the same time
Each spring and summer Sync offers 2 free young adult audio book downloads each week. These are full length books that don't expire. U Free for teachers/students to sign up:
Gifted & Talented Student Resources Table from Kentucky
Math Madness is having a free spring event:
Follet is offering free registration to access ebooks right now (check expiration of this offer)
Kansas Historical Society has great materials online:
Sport in Kansas that includes an audio tour
MindShift weekly email:
Economics education resources: There are webinars for teachers, but also games and resources for students K-12.
Carmen Sandiego! and more!
Pre-planned actual math lessons with the online tools for kids to create conceptual understanding. Desmos for high level math!! Their main page is also a good free tool for kids who left their graphing calculator in their locker during the shut-down.
Khan Academy: amazing collection of other learning resources including Coding, Art, History, etc.
Disney+ has some great educational programming and some people have written great lessons around that.
Byrdseed TV
Ian Byrd put together some "FREE" student videos from his Byrdseed TV site that normally requires a subscription.
Ian Byrd website
School House Rock
Parent's Guide to Google Classroom
List of site for families to use while school is closed
12 Art Lessons Your Kiddo will Love Homeschool Hideout
STEAM Resources for K-12
See the Free Resources
Science Projects & Experiments in the Garage: A Guide for Parents and Students